Drive targeted traffic to your content with smart distribution and paid amplification. Promote your content across multiple platforms week in/week out.
Have you noticed lately that your content isn’t getting much reach or engagement on the social platforms anymore? A few likes, some clicks and then…nothing.
It’s not your imagination. Everyone’s content has been getting throttled across the board for years now. Simply posting your article on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn without a strategy in place won’t “get you there”.
Having felt your frustration – I spent the last 2 years trying every content promotion and distribution tactic under the sun. Dozens of tactics, strategies and hacks. And two winning strategies surfaced from these experiments.
Most businesses face the same two problems when it comes to finding an audience for their content.
- Getting enough traffic over to their website.
- Getting the right traffic on to their website.
I’ve developed two content promotion workflows that solve each of these problems. Put one of them to work and you’re halfway there. Put them both to work and you’ll be unstoppable.
Introducing Platform Stacking and Content Atomization
Platform stacking involves relentlessly promoting your content on 3 or 4 social platforms for weeks and months on end. You’re showing up week in and week out, growing your audience—and the right audience—over at the sites that they frequent.
So what does this look like?
🚀Twitter ads🚀 + LinkedIn Feed + Quora Answers + Instagram Carousels
Twitter: Turn the Twitter ad platform into a content amplification machine by inserting pre-built custom audiences.
LinkedIn—the web’s largest B2B network—becomes a megaphone for your business.
Quora: dominate entire categories (“Topics”) by combining high-traffic & high ranking Q&A posts with Google’s ‘People also ask’ queries. This makes for an insanely effective content strategy.
Instagram: “atomize” your content into 10-image carousels (your branding). A few add-ons will turn your Instagram page into a magazine that sends traffic back to your site.
Twitter – Your Content Promotion Engine and Traffic Shortcut
LinkedIn – Harnessing the B2B Powerhouse
LinkedIn is now up to 722 million members worldwide, up from the 675 million it reported in January 2020. Add to that a staggering 31% growth in engagement.
Only 1% of users (out of the more than 700 million) distribute content on LinkedIn each week. An even smaller percentage utilize the media capabilities (video, documents, PDFs, images) that the platform enables you to enhance your updates with.
That means 3 million users are getting 9 billion impressions each week.
With our done-for-you LinkedIn weekly content promotion campaigns you go from a passive observer to a publisher who stands out in the feed. And join in the party.
Instagram – Building Brand Awareness In Front of a Billion People
Instagram has become an influential B2B marketing platform
As of 2020, 19% of all Instagram posts are carousel posts.
The engagement rate per post jumps to over 2% when all 10 carousel slides are used (vs 1.74% for images and 1.45% for videos).
Only 6% of carousels are maxed out at 10 slides. *Note – we utilize all 10 slides in order to tell a story visually with your content.
Carousel posts are often shown twice in your feed. Instagram gives multi-image carousels an extra chance for engagement that normal posts don’t get.
Quora – Becoming the Answer all of your Prospects Questions
Content Atomization a.k.a. content fractioning or content splintering
What is it?
It’s content syndication reimagined and rebuilt for the 2020s. Or if you prefer “from one to many”.
I’ll give you an example. Let’s say you’ve recorded a 30-minute podcast.
- Transcribe it to become a search engine optimized 3,000-word longform article.
- Pull out the “meaty” takeaways and write a threaded “Tweetstorm”
- Visualize those takeaways as a 10-image instagram carousel
- Pull out the most thought provoking quotes and post them as LinkedIn updates.
You’ve now “atomized” your original content asset into smaller pieces that can be broadcast across all of your owned social properties.